10 April 2010

The stone

The Spoedgevallen. I always thought we'd just walk by every once in a while since it's only about 3 blocks from our house.

But instead, we spent the afternoon there.

Spoedgevallen = ER

As in Emergency (Room).

And now we are here. Admitted. Jim is admitted and spending his first night in a hospital as a patient. With a kidney stone.

And assuming this stone doesn't want to move out on its own, there will be a procedure.

And I know everything will be just fine. Because it has to be.


  1. That beer come from the hospital cafeteria? :)

  2. So sorry....I have a two friends...both about 30...and they have told me how painful this is. Lemon juice in water is suppose to help with prevention. I thought of the scripture..."This too shall pass."

  3. Jim A. says this looks like his kind of hospital. :)
