13 April 2010


Jim just got home from work and said "You didn't post anything today?".

Me: "I didn't?".

Jim: "No, the last one is Flanders Field dated April 12."

Me: "Really? What is today?"

Me again: "Oh, it's April 13. I guess I forgot."

Me again: "I thought I did post something."

Me once again: "I guess I got started and then got distracted . . . or something."

Me yet again: "Tomorrow, I guess."

Actually, this is how most of our conversations go. He brings up a subject and I do all the talking.


  1. I was wondering what happened! I emailed you back about the link question. Maybe now you can finish your post?

  2. HEY! Did you, by chance, send me a postcard from NYC? I got one yesterday....no clue who sent it.....
