01 April 2010

The neighborhood pruner

I owe our neighbor on the left an apology.

By that I mean, I was distraught over his pruning of our neighbor on the right's trees (aka our trees). Well, it turns out the pruning doesn't look so bad.

This is before . . .

. . . and this is after.

I also did a little pruning of the shrubbery. I was going for this look in the foto below because I admired it last year, but you can see from my foto above I fell short of this goal. Yeah, my pruning really is just a series triangles.

I wasn't even lookin' to have a whole village. Just one boxing mouse or a dip cone tree.

Maybe next year.


  1. April Fools! Hey....I was thinking a nice little fresco on that wall would be cute. A little tribute to Michelangelo.

    Oh...now I have this hankering for a dip cone!!!

  2. Ha! This made me laugh...as usual! :) You'd have to be brave to really go at some bushes like that wouldn't you?
