12 November 2009

Scratch the bakeware

As I was making a list of things we would need when we move, I noted that our little apartment (though fully equipped) does not have any bakeware. No cookie sheets, no pie pans, no cake pans, no mixer, no mixing bowls. I put these things on my list as I was sure we'd need them. I mean, what proper household doesn't have all this, right?

Then, of course, it occurred to me . . . there is a bakery on almost every corner (seriously). Here are fotos of the one at the end of our street and the one across the street from it and the others are less than a 5 minute walk! This stuff is beautiful, baked daily, delicious, and not too hard on the pocketbook. With this kind of loot you definitely wouldn't need to bake.

My kitchen necessity list got a lot shorter.


  1. Oohhh...pictures of pastries. My favorite post yet! I look forward to visiting these places in person. Yummy.

  2. Please don't take my loaf pans. I'll curl up and die!
