08 November 2009

Missing Amy

I'm growing my hair out by default.

I was saying just the other day that my hair "looks like the goats chewed it" as Nana used to say because it's been so long since I had a haircut.

Amy Neal at Hair Studio did my hair for almost 10 years and when we moved to Jefferson, I had a few bad haircuts before finally finding Tiffany Wheeler in Longview. My hair went from shoulder length to Twiggy in only a couple of months so you can imagine that I am hesitant to go down that road again. Plus, who knows what might happen with the language challenge. Of course, they say "a picture is worth a thousand words" so I should probably start there.

I have decided longer hair might be better with the unpredictable rainy weather here so I can avoid being mistaken for Winslow. However, I have always thought we had a similar salt and pepper look when I go past my two week color regimen. And you've gotta admit the resemblance is uncanny when I'm having my regular bad hair day (no offense Winslow).

There are a multitude of really nice kapsalons so I will soon have to darken their door and hope to find an Amy. After all, what's the worst that can happen?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaa...You are funny. Your hair looks good long or short and Winslow being a guard dog won't let any goats near you so you will be fine.
