28 November 2009

Dinner with the boss

Oh, a week of so ago, Jim invited me to accompany him to dinner with the boss (a.k.a. Norbord CEO). He was here from Toronto to pay a visit to the Genk facility.

Naturally, I accepted.

We went to a little Italian place (there are more of those than anything else - Italians and places).

I wore my new boots and did my best to smooth my hair (despite the 20 km gusts in the 10 minute walk from apartment to hotel to Italian place).

Jim had told me how nice he is and I agree.

He was very impressed with my Flemish (especially when I knew the words for bacon AND cheese on the menu). We even talked about how my parents weren't even true Southerners yet I most definitely have a drawl. Go figure. I mean, despite my best efforts, me and Johnny Cash are always "on the same page".

Seriously, and I do mean seriously, this was NOT all we talked about. He said to Jim later (and I quote) he "was glad he finally got to meet me" and he "liked my overall approach to the move". I reckon I did awright.


  1. At least you don't sound like Paula Dean! Now that is SOUTHERN. I don't think LA has too much of an accent, but then I think I have lost my ear after being here for 20 years.

  2. I always commend you on your "approach" when telling friends about your move. You have a great attitude and you are allowing us to share in your wonderful adventure. Love you!
