23 August 2010

Water, water everywhere

If you remember anything from high school or college English, you can probably finish this quote. It's not Shakespeare either.

After a few months in Jefferson, Texas, I began working for a non-profit organization called Jeffersonian Institute/Cypress Valley Education Center. I use that term "working" loosely because after several months, I never actually got paid. I really never thought I would get paid, but I did think I could make a difference. Turned out, even that was impossible, but that's a whole other story. And I should probably leave it at that.

Anyway, there was a guy named Gary who also "worked" for this non-profit and he and I had quite a few conversations and one time I brought up the subject of the city's tap water. Jim noticed our water was a bit yellow one morning and told me I might not want to drink it. I wish I had the photo I took of that tap water, but alas it is on the computer in Jefferson. So just imagine light-colored urine. That's it.

So I was telling Gary about it and showed him the photo of our water. He said to me "You don't drink the tap water do you?". To which I replied "Well, I usually buy bottled water to drink, but I do use it to make coffee, cook pasta, and fill the dog's bowl.". To which he replied back "You don't drink the tap water in Jefferson.".

Oh, that would have been good information several months ago when we arrived in Jefferson. Needless to say, we began to purchase bottled water exclusively. Now, I won't say the water in Jefferson will kill you, but even the official water quality report indicated some room for improvement.

I digress for a moment because the subject of bottled water always reminds me of a sketch by Jim Gaffigan (comedian) where he says the French probably got together and said "How dumb do I think the Americans are? I bet you we could sell those idiots water."

So back to Jefferson. It may be that the tap water in Jefferson is about as good as the bottled water I was buying at Brookshires. The other day, Ross was reading from an infographic he saw online about tap water vs bottled water.

The FDA regulates bottled water and the EPA regulates tap water and it may or may not surprise you, but their regulations are a bit different.

Presented by Online Education
The Facts About Bottled Water

So, maybe I need to get that Brita filter back out.

Water, water every where
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water every where
Nor any drop to drink.

~from Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Jim Gaffigan - Bottled Water

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