06 August 2010

Sunday Afternoon Drive

Do you ever take a Sunday afternoon drive? We like to do that sometimes and this past Sunday afternoon we rode out to an area near Hasselt known for its farming. There are orchards for miles. Mostly apples and pears and some cherries.

We saw this roadside "fruit stand" . . .

and bought this basket of cherries. They are just beautiful and they were delicious. We wish we'd bought both baskets.

Strawberries are pretty prevalent as well.

We could see these people from a distance and at first thought it was a "pick it yourself" field of strawberries.

Turns out these are real strawberry pickers and they weren't picking them to eat. They were picking them for the rest of us to eat.

And wheat!

I know I should get out more, but I've never seen so much wheat.

Prettig weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Jim was just telling me how the price of wheat is up here in the states.
    LOVE the pictures....the pictures of wheat are awesome!
