22 October 2009

De identiteitskaart

Turns out since we're already living in Belgium we don't actually need a residency visa. Or so we've been told by the local City Hall. Still waiting for advocaat verification on that. All we need is an identity card. And I now have one. Pictured below. Notice in the lower left hand corner that I signed Karen Leigh Gleason. Not like I haven't been married for almost 30 years! The lady (at City Hall) said it was okay so we left it like that. : /

It's good for 9 months, but I was told (at City Hall) that I can come the day before it expires and get it renewed. Don't have to bring anything with me either. Just show up with my card and they'll stamp a new date on it. Can it really be that easy?

Of course it wasn't as easy as that. You may remember the blog post on the paperwork we did before and after arriving here. Well, we still needed all that for the identity card too. Since Jim has the work permit and he's the primary resident here (me being just the cohabitant), he gets a slick wallet-sized identity card like a credit card. And his is good for one year. I guess they figure if he doesn't renew his, I should already be gone!

His hasn't arrived from Brussels yet (where we were told they make slick wallet-sized identity cards), but I'll keep you posted.

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