24 October 2009


I know he'll come around, but Winslow is struggling a bit with "city life". The sidewalks, people, bikes, bike lanes, traffic, and crosswalks are presenting quite a challenge. He is definitely a suburban dog who is not yet "street smart". I'm working with him, but have to keep my eye on him and keep him on a "short leash", literally.

The stairs in our apartment. And I use that term stairs loosely because they are just short of a ladder. You may remember them from a previous post. Here's a picture in case you missed it.

These are not a challenge because he simply can't go up nor down them. We have to carry him because they are too steep. I said our house hunt would "come down to the stairs" and I am even more convinced of that now.

Our apartment is so small so there's really nowhere to go in it. When he moves from the kitchen to the living room, he's gone 3 steps. And once he's downstairs he's in the bedroom, period.

Dogs are welcome at many of the restaurants and particularly if they have outdoor seating. I took him with me for coffee and he just stood beside my chair. Wouldn't sit or lay down. I guess if I stay long enough and he gets tired enough, he'll sit down.

He gets excited every once in a while and acts like his old self, but it's going to take some time. I think he misses MM&P.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you able to take him to a park so he can let his lead out longer and let him romp a bit?
