03 February 2010

It's not for watching TV!

Okay, so we finally broke down and bought a TV.

But it's NOT for watching TV!

We keep hearing how everyone here became so fluent in English from watching television in English. So with that in mind, our plan is to watch movies in Flemish. Maybe. And if we do, we'll see what effect, if any, it has on our Flemish fluency.

Anyway, we got a flyer in the mail advertising a TV with a built-in DVD player for only 229 Euro! I don't have to tell you --- this is a BARGAIN! The sale began Saturday morning. So, we head to the store Saturday morning to be there at 9 AM when the store opens and all the time thinking we may have to tackle somebody for the few TV's in stock. You know, like you see on Black Friday in the States.

We were prepared if necessary.

There was a crowd gathered at the door anxiously waiting to pounce on the TV/DVD bargain of the century. So we pushed our way in as the door was unlocked . . .

okay, we walked in orderly with everyone else.

But when we got to the TV display all hell broke loose . . .

okay, everyone picked up a TV and walked orderly to the checkout.

That's when it got crazy and they called security . . .

okay, it was completely uneventful.

No pushing, no shoving, no wrestling somebody to the ground. Everyone walked in, picked up their TV and headed to the checkout.

It was a popular item though.

And our neighbor loaned us The Simpsons Movie in Flemish.

And yeah, we watched it.


  1. Soooo how many channels? Do you have any from the USA? Inquiring minds need to know

  2. What an awesome TV!
