10 September 2009


As I was leaving our little one bedroom apartment today, dragging Jim's Eddie Bauer rolling duffle bag full of dirty laundry, pocket filled with Euros, headed to the wassalon, this thought occurred to me. We have 2 houses, 2 washers, 2 dryers, and 2 cars. What's wrong with this picture?

And then....

As I left the wassalon, dragging Jim's Eddie Bauer rolling duffle bag full of clean laundry, pockets empty, headed back to our little one bedroom apartment, this thought occurred to me. Is this what makes life interesting?

And then....

This thought occurred to me. Will I have to quit referring to myself as "glass half empty"?

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves :)

1 comment:

  1. Even when your glass seems half empty you can still have a glass that's completely full...you just have to imagine a smaller glass. :) The rolling duffel bag is a good idea!
