18 September 2009

Blue eyes, trailers, bad teeth, and squeegees

I have never seen so many people with blue eyes. And furthermore, I have seen very few people with brown eyes. That's it.

There are no mobile homes in Belgium. None. Geen.

The obsession with perfect teeth has not hit Belgium so I fit right in. The multi-colored crowns throughout my mouth seem perfectly normal here. I'm not sure why though because the "universal" healthcare plan here covers tanheelkunde (that's dentistry). The dentist is a tandarts. Maybe it's because I haven't met many young people. Anyway, imperfect teeth seem to be "universal".

And lastly, the squeegee. You know, those things we only see at gas stations? Well, everyone here owns at least one and they use them . . . to clean everything. The windows, the floors, the front steps, the sidewalk! Cleaning your little corner of the world appears to be very important here.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! Tres funny. Perhaps a squeegee is just what my cleaning regime has been missing!
