25 January 2011

Can I have that on the side? Please.

I've never considered myself very picky about food or drink and it usually annoys me when I'm with someone who is. You know that person who always has to make a big deal about ordering anything. Can never order right off the menu.

However, I've decided I may be just as annoying.

Like at the frituur down the street. I love the Samarai sauce (spicy creamy dip) on their fries, but they pump it all right on top so all the fries on top have it and all the ones on bottom don't. I usually don't ask for it "on the side", but I always want to.

And like with rice krispies treats. They really should only be made with Kellogg's Rice Krispies and Kraft jet puffed marshmallows. Any butter is fine. As long as it's butter and not margarine. How can one disagree with that logic? Even the Kellogg's prepackaged ones are all wrong. They obviously don't use their own recipe. It's on the box.

And like cherry cream cheese pie. My favorite. The graham cracker crust really should be made with Honey Maid graham cracker crumbs and the pie dish lined with Nabisco Nilla wafers. Any pie dish will do. As long as it's glass, and round and not tin. OMG, see what I mean?

I used to tell our kids they should really dislike only one or two foods, but that was it! There's a limit on pickiness around here!

When I commuted to El Dorado, I always kept Tootsie Roll pops in my car. I loved those things and always had a ready supply. I'd go to the store and look through that little window on every package until I could find the one with the least amount of brown ones. Then I'd go home and immediately throw all the brown ones away before putting the bag in my car. Who eats those brown ones? Really.

And I love Starbucks. But while Jim is ordering a tall Americano, I'm ordering a tall, double shot, extra hot latte with skim milk. You just gotta try one.

And you know when you order a Diet Coke and the waiter asks you if Diet Pepsi is okay? Well, actually, no, it's not okay. How annoying is that? I mean me not being satisfied with Diet Pepsi.

So I've never thought of myself as being picky and maybe neither have you. I'm just hoping I don't develop allergies . . .


  1. How funny...I was thinking of When Harry Met Sally. Sally had everything "on the side". Also, I only like to eat the chocolate Tootsie Pops! (I was so sad to hear you were pitching them all that time!!) I keep them in my desk drawer at school and pass them out to library aides periodically, but usually horde the chocolate ones....except two of my girls are on to me and that is their favorite flavor too, sooooo I have been learning to "like" other flavors and have been sharing a few of my chocolate pops.

  2. Just ask for On the Side with your samurai saus, they wont be offended ;-)
    Samurai saus apart ;-) but by now you know that prolly
