25 July 2010


As we continued back to Belgium from the Czech Republic a couple of weeks ago, we saw this castle in the distance from the highway and decided to detour and find it. We still only saw the castle (aka Marienburg Fortress) from a distance, but we also found the town of Wurzburg, Germany.

Marienburg Fortress

By 1000 BC, a Celtic fortification stood on the site of what is now the Marienburg Fortress. So this city has been around a while. Built and painstakingly rebuilt after 90% of the city was destroyed (in only 17 minutes) in March 1945 during World War II. None of the city's churches, cathedrals, and monuments survived.

Neumunster Church

Just one of six major churches including this Romanesque Basilica, St. Kilian Dom (also Romanesque), Stift Haug (Italian-Baroque), Marienkapelle (Gothic), and the Marienkirche (on the grounds of the Marienburg Fortress).

Bridge over the Main River, built in 1473-1543 and is adorned with huge statues of saints and famous people

Yet another beautiful and historic city perhaps we can revisit. So much we just did not get to see.

And most importantly, it's my mother-in-law's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Frazier!

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