02 July 2010


It is official. We completed and passed our first Flemish class.

Our "diploma"

Congratulations from Veerle, our excellent instructor.

Artyom using his best Flemish/Russian

De klas foto
Ana-Poland, Michael-Scotland, Grisha, Katarina & Khoren-Armenia; Bedri & Samantha-Kosovo
Krystyna-Poland; Veerle (our teacher); Nephat-Thailand; Abdellatif-Morocco; Mustafa-Turkey

Unfortunately this was taken on a day when we had to miss class. You may also notice Ana Maria from Romania and Ivaylo from Bulgaria are not in the foto either. Ana Maria did complete the class, but was unable to attend the event that night - no babysitter :( Ivaylo abruptly stopped attending class a while back and we had no idea what happened to him. Ironically, Jim ran into him in downtown Hasselt just last week and he said he'd moved to Antwerp. There's more to that story, but we'll leave it at that.

Now here's the best part . . . Jim was "first in our class". Meaning he scored better than anyone else on the test! Proficiat!


  1. Congrats to Jim and also to you. Learning a new language is not easy....well, I know it would not be for me. Might prove impossible at 55.
