08 July 2010

That's enough internet for you

One morning this week I get on the computer, click my Safari icon and I see a message from Telenet, our internet service provider. It's in Dutch so I immediately click my "Google Translate" bookmark.


I click my "Yahoo Mail" bookmark.


I then attempt to make sense of my Dutch message from Telenet and figure out enough to know we're out of internet.

Yep, I'm not gettin' online, but not exactly sure why.

Naturally, as soon as Telenet opens, I am darkening their door. I ask Ross to accompany me so he can translate. Not the Dutch. The "tech speak".

The guy at Telenet says we've used up our allotment of internet for the month.


Yep, we are out of internet for the next 10 days.

Can't believe it? Well, it's true. In Belgium, it is completely LEGAL to limit internet access. Download one too many YouTube videos and they shut 'er down.

So, we actually had to purchase more megabytes or gigabytes or whatever for € 20 in an effort to "get us through" the rest of the month.

I'm still shocked by the whole thing. It doesn't cost Telenet a cent more to give me unlimited internet. And there are other companies right here in Hasselt with unlimited internet. We (and by "we" I mean "me") didn't know enough and chose Telenet over one of the others.

And if you're wondering why you've never had this problem yourself . . . because it's ILLEGAL in the States.

That's why.

1 comment:

  1. ....but about Telenet....can you switch companies?
