04 July 2010

Give me your tired . . .

Belgium's Independence Day is on the 21st of July. It signifies their independence from the Netherlands in 1831. It will be our first 21st of July in Belgium. I don't know if there will be fireworks or flag cakes, barbeques or parades, picnics or speeches. Perhaps we will celebrate in some way. Will the day seem significant to me when it gets here or be just another Wednesday?I will be interested to see how this country celebrates Independence Day.

It is our first 4th of July in Belgium too. I know there will be no fireworks or flag cakes, no barbeques or parades, no picnics or speeches today. Not unlike Thanksgiving Day, this is just like any other day. It will be different to be sure. I will miss the fireworks and the family get-together and I suppose this day may not have the significance it has in the past despite being a proud American.

So, Happy 4th of July to all us Americans. Enjoy that long weekend if you're lucky enough to get an extra day off. Enjoy the family get-together and barbeque. Enjoy the parades and fireworks. If possible, even enjoy the orator of the day. Perhaps even sing the national anthem.

But, remember, there are a lot of people in this world who won't be celebrating the luxury of being free today or on July 21st. Be grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Wee Sing here at Jefferson. :) Enjoying seeing "the kids". Frazier has changed since the middle of May! He is MOBILE and that boy loves to laugh. Wish you were here, too.
