26 April 2011

BBQ with the bezoekers and the buren

BBQ with the visitors and the neighbors.

We've hardly stopped for the past few days! And of course, it's been great :)

Beginning with a barbeque with our neighbors.

They live right next door to us, but they also have another house about 20 minutes away.
That is where we had the BBQ.

Annemie had no idea what Frazier likes, but somehow she picked the perfect little gift - bubbles! Sadly it didn't take long to spill the bubbles all over his clothes.

It was a little chilly for this outfit.

So Opa grilled his clothes to dry them out.


While we waited, Frazier tried out this trike. When I thought about how Frazier looked in this get-up, we attempted to explain the term "white trash". I decided it best not to use that term ever again.

It was a nice evening. We always appreciate our neighbors treating us like family and always treating our family like family too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so glad little Fraz got some more bubbles! Annemie really does have the knack! He looks so cute! Hey, your hair looks great. Jim did that? Tell him when he comes to LA I will be asking what he charges.
    Thanks for posting the pictures.
