01 October 2010

Swing It

In downtown Hasselt, some pretty elaborate swings are being displayed around the entire inner ring (distance of about a mile). Quite a few different approaches or remixing of the standard swing. Here are just a few I thought were interesting concepts.

Ride 'em koejongen!

It was meant to look like that.

Giant chia.

We got this flyer in the mail.
Apparently you can go by the Tourism Office and get one of these for yourself.

I don't get this one.

This might be my favorite.

A Bohemian chariot?

A shower drain.

Those black things are zip ties.

According to Google Translate, reet is Dutch for ass.

There's the rubber duck in the canal.

I have no idea what this says.

A royal throne.

I guess this speaks for itself.

Either way is good.

Same here.

That's a push broom.

And an animal tail.

You can see the sand beneath some so you can actually try it out for yourself.

I opted not to.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo with you and the duck. You look so stylish!
