27 June 2011

Running in Heels

Well, I hate I missed this event. Every year, on the last Sunday in May, the city of Hasselt closes off, what we call the klein (small) ring - the two-lane road that encircles the centrum (center of the city).

Here's a map - a picture's worth a thousand words, right?
The klein ring is that small circle inside the big circle.
(FYI, we live where that "star" is - bottom center)

So, anyway, the city closes off that klein ring to all traffic for about 8 hours or so on a Sunday afternoon. They set up activities for the kids and you can walk, run or ride your bike without traffic to contend with.

But, here's the best part. The Modemuseum (Fashion Museum) of Hasselt sponsors a Stiletto Run. That's right - running in heels.

Can you think of anything more fun? I mean, preposterous?

Here's the rules:

- heels must be at least 9 cm (okay, that's 3.5 in)

- must run 300 meters (okay, that's about .2 miles or just over 3 football fields)

Here's a picture I snapped last time I wore my bronze 3 1/2 inch heels and stood on some OSB.
And "thanks" if you believe that.

I will say there was a day not so long ago that I could run in heels without breaking a cankle (credit for cankle: DebB), but why would I ever do that? And no way could I ever run 300 paved meters!

Ladies, I am impressed.

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