05 December 2010


Deidesheim, Germany (population 4,000) is in the heart of the wine-growing region.

We stayed at this hotel which came highly recommended and it is very nice. It is also famous for its restaurant, but unfortunately we were very late arriving and were not able to give it a try. Maybe next time.

A typical street lined with fig trees at each house.

These fig trees and grapevines decorate almost every house.

This is the hospital!

This is a wine museum. Closed for the winter, we assumed.

Germany is the 8th largest producer of wine in the world. I was surprised to learn that Italy produces more wine than any other country followed by France, Spain, and the U.S.

Road leading to the vineyards.

This entire area is completely surrounded by vineyards.

Miles and miles of vineyards.

Well, except for this - Jim's decision to "off road" in an effort to get to a fortress he could see from the real road. My kids will appreciate this - I always flip out when Jim takes a road such as this. I can go from normal to nightmare in a nanosecond. I am certain we will either get stuck in the mud and have to live there, learn how to canoe, hunt with a bow, and play the banjo or worse, encounter an inbred hillbilly looking for lost Americans.

As we drive down this "road" I see this shack and immediately conjure up an image from "Deliverance". Who wouldn't, I ask you?!
For Jim's sake, it was uneventful and we were on our way :)

Last stop, Frankenstein.
We didn't really stop there 'cause there is nothing there but a lot of firewood.

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