17 June 2010

The Return of the Reluctant Blogger

When I began this blog almost a year ago, I signed each post with "Reluctant Blogger". I knew I wanted to chronicle our stay in Belgium, but wasn't sure this was the venue. Turned out I enjoyed it more than I thought so I quickly deleted "Reluctant Blogger" and replaced it with . . . well . . . my name. Not too creative, but accurate just the same.

This blog has been kinda like going to church for me. Okay, don't write me off so quickly. What I mean is, when you quit going to church for a while, it's hard to get back in the groove. Say what you want. It's true. This little haitus has turned me into a slug. Not to mention, I'm out of sorts a bit.

Life is back to "normal". Whatever that is. Randi, Josh, and Frazier are safely back in the States. Ross is here with us now. The weather here is really beautiful this time of year. Life is good, I know.

But I'm still trying to define "normal".


  1. Glad to see you back! I don't look for normal anymore. Just enjoy each day for what it is.

  2. I bet y'all had a fabulous time. I'm glad you're back to blogging.
