22 June 2010

De Bus

Bus. Pronounced like "moose". Ironically, bussen is also pronounced like "moosen".

Since we had more than the Passat could hold, we rented a bus. Well, not really a bus, but . . .


It was huge! But it was just what we needed.

Since I often get "carsick", Jim, Ross, and I sat in the front seat. We looked like the Culhanes.

Randi, Josh and Frazier had the middle seat. And Winslow had the back seat all to himself.

Jim drove and maneuvered this monstrosity through city streets, traffic, back roads, and parking garages where the roof was almost scraping. I think he may have even parallel parked once or twice.

The GPS did most of the navigating except when Winslow was assisting.

I appreciate Jim doing the driving. If it'd been up to me to drive, I fear we would have stayed home.

There were a few (well, maybe more than a few) bouts of screaming not captured on video, but considering the amount of time Frazier spent in this carseat in de bus, he did extremely well.
Here's one of the many good times.

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