07 May 2010


That's actually English.

Taken from our living room window. Every Sunday morning,
the slagerij down the street roasts chicken outside.
Only on Sundays.

All water hoses come like this.
"Doe het zelf"

These weeks look pretty good.

Jim's new favorite food from the grocery store across the street.
Even comes with expanding chopsticks.
He says it's great and he's eaten a fair amount of sushi.
Personally, I prefer my rice right next to my enchilada.

My new favorite Belgian food.
Comes in it's own bag.
No chopsticks required and I've also eaten my fair share of animal crackers.

I will never know if this is a favorite 'cause you can be sure I will never try it.
This says:

Why experts choose horsemeat?
For 4 important reasons
- extremely low fat
- low cholesterol
- little calories
- high iron content

Are you convinced?

I really don't know what to say about that.
Definitely a bold move.

We don't drink much milk,
but we also don't pour much down the drain any more.
This is only the second (liter?) I've purchased since I got here!
And it's still good!
That's May 20th.

And by the way, Jim has a theory about the milk thing. It's a pretty good one too. Since the milk here is processed so it lasts practically forever, there's very little waste.

The reason it may not be processed that way in the States is because if every gallon lasted 4 months, you couldn't do your part to help subsidize the dairy farmers.

Think about it.

This picture is really small because I hate these things.
I quickly turn my head away when I catch a glimpse of one
. . . in my peripheral.
It makes me feel weird. Even nauseous.
Is it just me or should these things be banned?

Our new friend Michael from Scotland,
who is also in our Flemish class, brought this beer to Jim.
It's brewed and sold only in Gent.
And has an alcohol volume of 11.5%! That's very high for beer.
Anyway, we shared it, I woke up with a headache
And I don't want any more.

You gotta love Dutch.
Let op!

And this is an actual road sign.

It says . . .

Drive carefully
in alliance with
migration of toads
7 p.m. - 7 a.m.

Unfortunately we missed the paddentrek that day.


  1. Tell Jim "cheers"...I had sushi last night for dinner and want to learn to make it. I eat once a week for dinner. I don't do raw fish though unless you count pickled herring I get at the store. My Jim...not so much. He would agree with you and the enchalada.

    About the milk...I have a theroy, the "twinkie theory". The longer something lasts on the shelf the more chemicals and the less nutrition. My step daughter will only drink milk if it is right from the cow cuz of the enzymes etc. She said Americans process the nutrition out of their food....maybe so do other countries. I am so curious about this long shelf life.

  2. If I use "In Alliance with Migration of Toads" for a book title, I will put you in the acknowledgements. I love it.
