10 May 2010

It all started with the pizza

Since it was Mother's Day, we decided to go out for lunch. I wanted pizza and we rode our bikes downtown to Rossi where they have really good pizza. Jim always wants to take my picture (which I think is really sweet) so here I am with my pizza. I didn't eat it all and I sure hated to leave about half of it behind. Not because I was on my bike, but because people here don't take home "doggy bags" with their leftover food. Ever. It just doesn't happen here.

I tried not to be too obvious when taking this picture. See the family in the corner of the restaurant? Mother, father, (daughter you can't see), and son. They are all looking off - out the window. The son is even wearing headphones! He wore those the entire time they were there. I presume they were taking Mom out for a Mother's Day lunch. They were all present, but I'm not sure they were all where they wanted to be :~|

So after lunch, Jim suggested we ride our bikes over to the canal. That sounded like a good idea - so we did.
Windmills are being installed along the canal. Here's the beginning of one. The mechanism at the top doesn't seem so big . . .

. . . until you see one on the ground. That's Jim on his bike in front of it. It was huge!

Along the canal is the route Jim takes when he rides his bike to work. He had noticed this sign and thought it was funny. Not sure what this means - "No fishing like a flamingo"? "May lightening strike you if you fish while standing like a flamingo?"

A little family of . . . ducks, I guess. Small geese?

I found out my behind isn't quite conditioned for such a long trip. Jim said we rode about 11 miles. I have no idea how far that really is, but it seemed like a looooooong way. I was worn out when we got home and had to take a nap :) I think Jim rides about that far to work every day (and then back again). I don't see how he does it without a nap!

These geese were really hungry and apparently thought Jim had something to eat. You will hear him tell them he will bring them something next time. Although they are Dutch geese, they probably speak English too so they will be expecting something on Monday morning. That's me laughing in the background. I kinda sound like those geese :-/

Like the special occasions already this year, we missed getting together with our family on Mother's Day. That would have made this day just perfect.


  1. First thing I thought of in the restaurant pic was, LOVE those cool chairs...then, awe ...they seem sad. The pizza looks great...no doggie/people bags = no pizza for breakfast, which is one of my favs.
    11 miles!!! WOW! Are there hills? Sign interp made me LOL :) .
    And....we missed you on Mom's Day :( .

  2. No doggie bags!!
