09 May 2010

Gelukkig Moederdag

I'd like to wish all you Mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day!

I've been a Mom for almost 27 years and I am certain it's the most important thing I'll ever do. I can't think of anything that could possibly bring more happiness.

The time goes by so quickly and I can hardly believe my own daughter is a Mom herself. And a very good one, I might add.

I was lucky, for 35 years, to have a wonderful Mom myself. We were very close and for that I am forever grateful. I do miss her.

For almost as long as I had a wonderful Mom, I've also had a wonderful mother-in-law. Now, I know all those things people say about the "mother-in-law", but they definitely don't apply to mine. I couldn't have special-ordered one any better and for that I am also very grateful.

So, Moeders . . . Have. A. Great. Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks....and I agree, you've got a wonderful mother-in-law. Also, this post reminds me once again how much I wish I could have known your mom.
