14 March 2011

Belgen in Amerika

Our neighbors just returned from a week-long vacation to Las Vegas. They stopped by to show us pictures and tell us about their trip. This wasn't their first visit to the States, but it was only their second. New York was their first - several years ago.

They really had nothing but good things to say. Really. They thought Las Vegas was impressive. Although it was warm, they thought the weather was nice. They rented a car and drove to the Grand Canyon which they thought was stunning. Despite airport delays and missing their connecting flight due to Customs delays, they thought it was a great experience.

They were surprised at how much vitamin water is sold in America. This was their one observation? Interesting.

Look what they brought home to us! They do know me well. Sadly, they made the dreadful mistake of packing the peanut butter and marshmallow creme in their carry-on. I do hope those TSA workers enjoyed my Jif and surely they will use the marshmallow creme to make fudge. Bon appetit. Smakelijk. And whatever Americans say for this.

But here's the most important part - they thought Americans were nice and helpful.

That's the most important part.

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