31 March 2011
30 March 2011
Signs of mental illness (Part 1 of ?)
29 March 2011
The original PAAS Easter egg dye was invented by an American named William Townley.
Mr. Townley owned a drug store in Newark, New Jersey, where he concocted recipes for home products. In the late 1800s, he came up with a recipe for Easter egg dye tablets that tinted eggs five cheerful colors.
Neighborhood families started buying Townley’s Easter Egg Dye packets in 1880 for only five cents and mixed them with water and white vinegar to create the perfect egg dye!
Soon, Mr. Townley realized that he had a wonderful product that other families would like to use to brighten their Easter tradition. He renamed his business the PAAS Dye Company. The name PAAS comes from “Passen,” the word that his Pennsylvania Dutch neighbors used for Easter.
Today, Americans purchase more than 10 million PAAS Easter Egg Color Kits during the Easter season, and use them to decorate as many as 180 million eggs!
Now—more than 125 years later—we believe Mr. Townley would be proud of PAAS’ perfect colors. The original is still the best!
28 March 2011
Be careful what you wish for . . .
Argentina: En unión y libertad In Union and Liberty
Australia: Advance Australia
Belgium: Eendracht maakt macht: Unity gives Strength
Brazil: Ordem e progresso Order and progress
Canada: A mari usque ad mare From sea to sea
Cuba: Patria o muerte Homeland or death
England: Dieu et mon droit God and my right
European Union: In varietate concordia United in diversity
France: Liberté, égalité, fraternité Liberty, equality, fraternity
Empire of Japan: 八紘一宇 All the world under one roof
India: सत्यमेव जयते: Truth alone triumphs
Iran: God is the Greatest
Iraq: الله أكبر God is the Greatest
North Korea: 강성대국 (强盛大國 Prosperous and great country
South Korea: 홍익인간 (弘益人間 Benefit all mankind
Luxembourg: Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn We wish to remain what we are
Lebanon: كلنا للوطن، للعلى، للعلم All for the country, for the glory, for theflag
Netherlands: Ik zal handhaven I will preserve
Nicaragua: En Dios Confiamos In God We Trust
Saudi Arabia: لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله There is no God other than Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet
Russian Empire: С нами Бог God is with us
Pakistan: ايمان، اتحاد، نظم Faith, Unity, Discipline
South Africa: !ke e: /xarra //ke Unity in Diversity
Spain: Plus Ultra Further beyond
Switzerland: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno One for all, all for one
Turkey: Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh Peace in the homeland, peace in the world
Vietnam: Ðộc lập, Tự do, Hạnh phúc Independence, Liberty and Happiness
United States: In God We Trust
Uruguay: Libertad o Muerte Liberty or Death
Zimbabwe: Unity, Freedom, Work

"My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence which comes dangerously close to sacrilege. A beautiful and solemn sentence such as the one in question should be treated and uttered only with that fine reverence which necessarily implies a certain exaltation of spirit. Any use which tends to cheapen it, and above all, any use which tends to secure its being treated in a spirit of levity, is from every standpoint profoundly to be regretted. "
27 March 2011
Tulip Land
25 March 2011