05 March 2013

Making Change

The news article at the bottom of this post appeared in the local newspaper this week.  I'm not sure what the woman in the photo has to do with anything, but the story is about how four thieves figured out how to crack the software on the coin changer vending machine at the wassalon (aka washateria) and made off with 900 euros.  I'll admit that's a huge chunk of change.  Pun intended.

It wasn't here in Hasselt, but in the nearby town of Lommel (45 min. away).  

So, that same day, of all days, I went to our  handy wassalon right across the street, put my 20 euro bill in the coin changer vending machine and nothing.  This has never happened before.  Never.  A lady, who strangely enough, looked very similar to the one in the photo below, told me the coin changer was kapot.  Yes, that's actually the Dutch word for "crapped out".

Because thieves stole from a machine 45 min. away, the owner in Hasselt has decided to shut his machine down?  You've got to be kidding me.

She (wassalon customer) said to go to the grocery next door and they'd give me coins.  Well, I guess I wasn't just the second one to do that and they "limited" me to just enough coins that I didn't have enough to start even one washer.

Plan B.  I walk ten minutes down to the bank in search of coins.  I ask the teller in my best Dutch to exchange my 50 euro bill for one euro coins.  He said (in Dutch) "Who wants these coins?" "Is it for a store?"  Yes, he actually said that.

Well, first of all, unless I'm not doing the math right, a 50 euro bill and 50 euro in coins is equal!  So, unless there's a ration on coins, you (teller) really don't need to know who or why.  Here's how this works . . . I give you this bill and you give me coins.  Comprende?

But not wanting to be belligerent, I did my best to tell him in Dutch that I need them for the wassalon.  Appearing irritated with my Dutch, he said "Do you speak English?" Okay. YES.  Yes, I do!  And NO. No, I don't know the Dutch word for "exchange".  I'm pulling most of this out of my ass as it is!

It's uitwisseling.

Then, if that weren't enough, he asked if I have an account at the bank.  For Christ's sake, I'm not asking for a loan, I'm exchanging a bill for coins.  Is that some service you offer only to store owners and account holders?  Does this really have to be this complicated? YES.  Yes, it does.

Being my non-belligerent self, I said, yes, I have an account.  Clearly I was not believable, because unbelievably, he then asked for the account number.  Fortunately I had the foresight to bring my debit card which I handed over.  Then and ONLY then would he take my 50 and give me 2 rolls of coins.

True story.

Then I walked the ten minutes back to the wassalon and did a little laundry.

Dieven kraken software van betaalautomaat in wassalon

dieven kraken software van betaalautomaat in wassalon
Op bewakingsbeelden is te zien hoe de daders een toestelletje aan de betaalautomaat houden. “Met dat machientje hebben ze de software gemanipuleerd, waardoor al het kleingeld er spontaan uitrolde.”
Volgens de politie gaat het om een nieuwe techniek. “Ik heb de leverancier van de betaalautomaat gecontacteerd, en ook voor hen bleek zo’n diefstal compleet nieuw”, aldus de zaakvoerster.
RuSt/GVB  Foto's GVB/HBvL

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