07 March 2012

Gimmick or genius?

As you may have noted on my weather gadget, our weather is finally improving! Now, the low is 32F rather than the high! This is our 3rd winter here and I'll admit it has taken a bit of a toll on me, but that's that and Spring is right around the corner. The crocus are blooming and me and the hondje are walking a little farther now.

There was an article recently in the BBC, written by Dr. Michael Mosley, entitled "Can 3 minutes of exercise a week help make you fit?". It's about a study on high intensity training (HIT).

Basically, you get on an exercise bike and pedal as fast as possible for 20 seconds, rest a couple minutes, do it again, rest and do it again. Total 1 minute. Do this 3 times a week for 4 weeks and it is possible to measure your improved fitness. In some people, the improvement is significant.

Now, this doesn't work for everybody as genes apparently play a big role in whether or not you will respond and I would personally fear a heart attack if I did anything similar, but it's interesting just the same.

So, the other day Jim sent me a link to this video. A guy he works with suggested it is a nice alternative to Powerpoint. If there was ever a way to ensure a nap during a mid-afternoon meeting, it is with a Powerpoint presentation, so I couldn't agree more.

I think the video is worth sharing and if you have 9 minutes, it is engaging. If you're not up for HIT, perhaps this is the next best thing.

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