03 August 2011

Belgium, I owe you an apology

I have complained about the weather off and on since we got here. Now, don't get me wrong, it can be pretty depressing with months on end of rain and gray skies, but I can't remember the last time I broke a sweat.

Jim and I were talking about the heat wave in the States, mostly across the South, that may set a new record. I said to Jim that I don't remember it ever being that hot for that many days. He said he definitely remembered when it was. The reason - he was working at the glass plant. I figure that was pretty hot. He even remembered it was 1980.

Well, I googled it and it was indeed in 1980. The year we got married. In Dallas, Texas, the temperature reached 100 degrees a total of 69 days that year including a record 42 consecutive days. Three of those days that year, the temperature was 113 degrees. Today, they should see 110.

Yesterday was our second really warm day here in a while and I was glad to finally be able to go out without a sweater. The high was 83.

So, despite knowing I will probably complain again one of these days when it's been cold, rainy, and gray for 69 consecutive days, I will also be thankful not to break a sweat.


  1. We've had some extreme heat days here in Indiana but honestly I am VERY used to not sweating. It's nothing like the south.

  2. Very much like PA....although they have seen 90's this summer. They had so much cold and snow in the winter...tons of rain in the late spring early summer....and now heat. But when we were up there it was low 70s! Perfect! I am still thinking Guam!
