14 November 2010


Our neighbors invited us for dinner and bowling to celebrate Annemie's birthday.

Dinner consisted of cooking your own food on a little hot stone.
Fun, but hard to get full :)

Notice in the photo above how my family is smiling for the camera. Our neighbors NEVER smile and sometimes don't even look at the camera. I don't understand this! I mean, sometimes I don't smile and I often close my eyes, but it's never intentional!

So, I asked Ross to take this photo of them. They really are happy people!

Then on to the action. My "action" shots are terrible, but here's my best one.
I know it's hard to tell, but that's Jim.

None of us had bowled for about five years, but we all did better than expected. Randi and Ross even had at least one strike and Jim was the champ!

We really had a good time and although we were there until almost midnight, Frazier was an angel the entire time!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that Jim was a good bowler. I have not been since Destin either. Can't count all the games on the Wii.
