18 December 2010

The Kringwinkel

I've mentioned this store before in a recent post, but it has become one of our favorite shopping experiences so I must share more about it.

First, kringwinkel basically means "thriftshop" and is the Belgian equivalent of a Goodwill - only better. There's at least one in every town and in larger cities, there are several. I've never shopped at a Goodwill, but Randi is forever finding great bargains for her craft projects.

BTW, no one has a garage sale in Belgium. It simply doesn't exist.

Second, kringwinkels are run by the government. Yeah, I know. Surprise, surprise. But it's more than that. Their own mission statement says the purpose is to reduce waste (abig deal in Belgium - I can't even find paper plates!), to employ people who have trouble finding a job, and to sell reliable goods at low prices. They even repair appliances to resell.

In order to become a kringwinkel, there are strict quality standardsto meet and I believe it since we have been very pleased with every purchase we've made. Everything is thoroughly cleaned and in many cases, looks new.

So whether it's Christmas or kitchen, this place has a little of everything.

I just wish I'd known about this fabulous find when we first arrived here. Especially since most of what we've purchased will - well, I guess go to the Kringwinkel at some point.

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