07 November 2013

This little piggy

Do you ever eat calamari?  In the unlikely event you don't know what calamari is . . . it's fried squid. It's pretty popular here and on many menus.  With plenty of other fried items to choose from, I pass on the squid.

Recently, this headline appeared in our local newspaper.  Read it carefully.

"Varkensanus verkocht als inktvisringen"

I knew the Dutch word for "pig" is varken and immediately I wondered "is the word for anus the same in Dutch?".  

Turns out it is.

The article goes something like this . . .

It was long dismissed as fiction, but a report by the EU confirms that pig anus is sold on the market as deep-fried squid rings.  A large-scale study is advocated just as there was in the horse meat fraud and lasagna.

I often tell Jim not to eat that kind of stuff, but he doesn't always listen to me.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with horse lips or pig butt, but I think I will probably pass on the lasagna now too.

You see why people become vegetarians - removes all doubt.

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