10 November 2013

Save the park

We are lucky enough to have a huge city park nearly in our backyard.  

It's a few blocks from our door and we enjoy it as much as the other residents here.

We've even gotten to take advantage of this nice playground a couple of times :)

Can you believe this was 2 and 1/2 years ago?

So ..... for several months, there has been some controversy over plans to make a new parking garage and a new road through our city park.

The problem seems to be parking - or lack of it.  While the city isn't the ideal location for a hospital . . .

you can see from this aerial view - that's the hospital in the outline and the park to the right of it.

And one of those houses in the bottom left corner is ours!

The proposed parking garage would hold 2000 cars!  That's a lot of traffic going to and from in an already congested area.

Residents' Parking
Save City Park

Symbol for "Parking Garage" + Symbol for "Highway"

Pretty soon after the announcement of the proposed changes to the park, people who live around the park got organized . . . in protest - and these signs began appearing on nearly every house near the park.

These houses face the park so I guess they have more at stake . . . like a really busy road in front of their house? We live right around the corner and we already know what that's like :)

The city administration has taken these protests under advisement.  For the long term residents and for us while we are here, I hope they figure out another way to make it all work.

We'll see.

Red Stadspark.

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