15 February 2013

Paarden me, but . . .

what's the big deal?  So there's up to 100% horsemeat in your burgers or lasagna.

Okay, I agree, that's a lot . . . or all of it, but I thought they liked that stuff here.  Turns out they (most Europeans) like it when they know it, but the Brits like it about as much as you do.  In my opinion, it would be an improvement to British cuisine.  And apparently it was since they were eating it just fine before somebody went and tested it.

Anyway, what was originally an article or two in a British newspaper has now gone global.  What started as a horseburger or two in Ireland has now crossed the channel.  A Europe-wide scandal!

Apparently tracing the product backwards has proven only one thing - EUDA beef is perhaps not quite as regulated as USDA beef.  In fact, it has proved impossible thus far to find the original Mr. Ed.  Possibly Romanian.  Too much government?  Again?  You're welcome.

Yes, next time you eat a USDA Elsie burger, you can thank your big government and I will be anxious (as in anxiety) to learn just who or what the EUDA Elsie is.

I once said I'd never eat My Little Paardje, but now that we've been in Belgium 3+ years, I fear I may have.

Neigh, neigh.  Say it isn't so!

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