05 October 2011

Back in Business

The Apple fairy didn't show up, but turns out he/she wasn't needed.

After a couple of days without a computer, my house is super clean and my internet addiction has waned. Jim and I discussed all the options for getting a new computer and the biggest hurdle is . . . no, not whether to once again buy an Apple, but that the QWERTY keyboard isn't available in Belgium. Yep, it's AZERTY or nothin'. My Crackberry even has the AZERTY, but I've actually gotten used to it. But it's different when your using only your thumbs as opposed to using the "home" keys.

With the AZERTY, all your a's are q's and all your m's are commas. It's not really a problem unless you're typing words like ,q,,ogrq, - q,qwing - or ,qcqdq,iq.

mammogram, amazing and macadamia

So you see the dilemma. ,y QWERTY brqin and fingers qren't eauipped for the AZERTY keyboqrd.

Turns out, the "spare" MacBook that crashed with perfectly good hinges came in handy once again. Jim took the hard drive out of my broken-hinged MacBook and put it into the "spare" good-hinged one. Voila! Genius, I tell ya. Merci beaucoup! Dankuwel! Thqnk you very ,uch!

Back in business.

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