30 September 2011

How 'bout them Apples

As a family, in the past 2+ years, we've purchased several Apple products including, but not limited to, 3 MacBook Airs and 1 MacBook Pro.

In the past 2+ years, all 4 of those above-named Apple products have needed repair.

Now don't get me wrong . . . I have thoroughly enjoyed my MacBook Air and it has given me countless hours of entertainment. I'm having withdrawal as I write this because my MacBook Air is kapot. That's Dutch for kaput. Yes, they actually use that word all the time to mean something is either broken or totally crapped out. Guess that's where we got it.

Several months ago,

(1) the hinges on Ross's MacBook Pro went kapot - luckily we were saved by the AmEx extended warranty and the 800+ Euro repair costs were covered

(2) the hinges on Randi's MacBook Air went kapot - see explanation in #1

(3) the "extra" MacBook Air we owned simply crashed - 2 months after the AmEx extended warranty expired


(4) the hinges on Karen's MacBook Air went kapot - yesterday, 29 Sep 2011 - see explanation in #3

Exhibit A - what a Mac hinge should look like

Exhibit B - Karen's MacBook hinge

Exhibit C - Karen's Mac screen
(the hinge is clearly an important connection)

Exhibit D - the electronics junk drawer

Exhibit E - the electronics junk drawer with new addition

I am currently using Jim's honkin' Dell desktop, cleverly disguised as a laptop. My biceps will be sore tomorrow from lifting it up onto my lap. I know I'm comparing Apples to oranges - pun intended and this Dell "laptop" has outlasted all 4 above-named laptops, but despite Exhibit E above, I hope the Apple fairy comes quickly before I gouge my eyes out.

Final blogpost on Dell laptop, today 30 Sep 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe my Acer is still going....although I can probably attribute it to iPod usage. (I would like an iPad, but seems crazy and totally unneeded.) My mom has an apple lap top hand me down from sis, Marcia and it is amazing! It is white and pretty heavy...much older than my Acer.....which was 2007 I think. The hinge problem was just a blip. They'll get that figured out.
