17 April 2015

Never Again!

This past weekend the weather was nice so we swung by Brussels and picked Ross up, then headed to the Sunday flea market in Waterloo.  While some vendors have pretty good stuff, they also like it too much. Meaning there are no bargains.  It was nice to get out in the good weather and we had lunch on a sunny terrace, but we may seek out another flea market for future bargain-hunting.  

This is not my "never again" story though.

When Randi and family are here, I am always on patrol over the staircase.  I worry (and worry some more) that the kids will tumble down them.  With the bedrooms and bathroom upstairs there is no way to avoid going up and down them at least once a day - usually more.  Our house has a lot of stairs, they are wooden, they are steep, they end on granite flooring, they are encased with hard plaster walls.  You see where I'm going with this.  

When we move back to the States, we will have to buy a house because we don't have one anymore.  I used to have a list of criteria for my dream house.  Now I realize the only really important thing is "no stairs". One level living is my new dream house.

That also wasn't my "never again" story though.

Winslow goes with us nearly everywhere we go.  When we are home, I take him for a walk nearly every day.  He loves it.  We don't always walk the same path, but we always walk in and around our neighborhood.  Sometimes I let him off his leash because he's very good about listening to me and obeying my commands and following whatever path I take.  If he lags behind, he runs as fast as he can to catch up and that's part of the fun for him.  

Well, this week, I learned a lesson I shall never forget. Winslow was off his leash and I turned a corner.  A minute or two later, I turn around and he's not there.  I look and look and he's not there.  I begin to call his name in all directions.  Nothing.  He simply vanished.  Panic sets in and I begin to run in the direction I think he may have gone - toward the busy, busy, busy street we live on.  

In the distance - approximately 3 football fields away - ACROSS that busy street, I think I can see him. Now, I worry he will see me and cross that busy, busy street AGAIN!  He doesn't seem to see me, but he does start running back toward the street! Mercifully, there was an opening in the traffic and I was able to get across that busy, busy street before he saw me and without either of us getting hit by a car.  A few people had stopped to look when they saw a loose dog because loose dogs are a rarity here.  I've actually never seen one - before today, that is.  

The stars were definitely aligned and I learned a difficult lesson.  Never again.  

I also didn't know I could still run that fast :)

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