08 May 2011

Fraz, mostly

Well, our company is on their way home. These two weeks were jam-packed with perhaps too much activity, but we sure enjoyed them. It's always a challenge to try to please everyone and we are a family of some seriously strong personalities, but we did fine and I hope it won't be too long before we can see them all again.

As you may imagine we took plenty of photos. Mostly of Frazier doing one thing or another and having fun. Here are just a few of my favorites . . .

Serious about looking for toe jam.

We hit several playgrounds throughout our travels.
Slides were the hands-down favorite.

Often out of the stroller, but keeping an eye on Winslow
while the rest of us tried to figure out where we were.

Like most of my photos, this is him clearly saying he's had enough picture-taking.

Black coffee - he loved this.

Although he looks to be having a good time,
this doesn't seem to be one of his favorite activities.

We ate lots of fruit. Good for you and good for keeping you occupied as well :)

He wasn't picky - pears were just as good.

Fruit can even put you to sleep.

In addition to coffee, beer was a big hit.
No, he didn't drink that whole glass. I had a sip or two.

The dandelions had a ridiculously good season this year.
We did our part to spread the love of these things.

We spent a huge chunk of our time in the "bus" we rented so entertainment was a must.
We actually covered over 2000 miles in 8 days.

This is a playground is Leuven where Ross lives.
That's one of the university's Economics buildings in the background.

On Easter Sunday we went out for lunch after church.
Josh ate the Easter Bunny - on the menu as just rabbit.

Randi had the asparagus soup.

And I had the traditional Belgian asparagus and boiled eggs.
Those are the boiled eggs in that side dish floating in butter.

More fruit.

At Uncle Ross's apartment.

Parking his bike in the foyer with Oma's bike.

At our front door headed out for a walk.

Walking Winslow.

He used these chopsticks correctly and all by himself. No instructions!
I can't even do that!

I hope you will stop back by for more posts on our visits to one of the oldest zoos in the world, Delft, the highest mountain in the Alps, the capital of Burgundy France, and more.


  1. He seriously looks as if he is a lot bigger than when he left! The toe picture is so hilarious. haha. Love them all!!!

  2. Just noticed the lilacs! I love them so much. I have missed them ever since moving down here!
