19 December 2013


Sometimes I call our dog Winslow, Shakespeare, because Shakespeare was the dog we had for a long time before Winslow.  Sometimes I call him Ross or Randi.  I don't think I've yet called Randi or Ross, Winslow or Shakespeare, but it's sure to happen.  

Of course, Winslow and Shakespeare are very dear to me so it's not all bad that I would get these names mixed up, right?

My Aunt Bev always had dogs around her house.  I specifically remember large basset hounds and a pomeranian named Linda.

From time to time, my grandmother called me Linda.  I never once heard her call anyone else Linda.  I always thought that was a sure sign she felt about the same for me as she felt for Linda.  Now, in the case of Linda being dear to her, that wouldn't be a bad thing, but in fact, Linda was not a favorite of hers.  I'm not sure what that says about me . . . but this article made me think about it.

Thousands Of Americans To Notice First Signs Of Dementia While Visiting Parents Over Holiday

WASHINGTON—Noting that the experience is sure to be extremely upsetting, a new report has found that thousands of Americans will likely notice the first signs of their parents’ dementia while visiting over the holidays. “Shortly after arriving home from the airport, an estimated tens of thousands of adults will invariably witness one or both parents forget something that just happened, misremember details of their lives that have been discussed hundreds of times before, or momentarily lose track of what they were doing right in the middle of an action,” lead author Dr. Tim Belarde wrote in the report, adding that 80 percent will see their parents write down incorrect information on a calendar, 65 percent will hear their mothers refer to a completely nonexistent event from childhood, and half will observe their father mixing up siblings’ names. 
“For the remainder of their vacations, these Americans will spend hours carefully observing their parents for further signs of mental decline and then convince themselves that any brain lapses were anomalies due to the stress of the holidays, ultimately leaving with dozens of unsettling memories they will repress in an effort to deny the inevitable.” 
At press time, sources reported that an estimated 40,000 mothers had just asked their children to resend their flight itineraries for the fourth time.
Hope that made you smile :)  And please don't ever call me Linda.

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