29 March 2012

Back to School

I have enrolled in another Flemish class that meets every afternoon, 5 days a week, for 3 hours. It's definitely cuttin' in to my sittin' around time, but that's exactly the point.

On the first day, the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves - name, country, married or not, children or not, etc.

The "assigned seat" syndrome I've mentioned before hasn't changed and after only one day, we each sit in the same place.

I am the only American. Others are from Spain, Morocco, France, Turkey, Armenia, Algeria . . .

I've never really been uncomfortable as an American abroad, but for the first time . . . in this class, I feel differently somehow.

Maybe it's because the guy sitting to my right is from Iraq and the woman sitting to my left is from Afghanistan.

They don't even know me, but what do they think of me?

I wonder if even my best effort can change that.

1 comment:

  1. It's posts like this that cause me to struggle to find any other words than "I like you so much." So very much.
