27 September 2011

Incidental Images

I take lots and lots of pictures. Some for no particular reason except that I just hate not to and wish later I had.

But first, a package arrived in the mail yesterday from Longview and well, there's really nothing better than a package in the mail! Especially when it contains one of my favorite foods - orange candy pumpkins.

When I was growing up, we always had candy corn and these candy pumpkins around the house in the Fall. Along with a myriad of other nutritious foods, I think my mother thought these qualified as a vegetable or maybe a fruit. Incidentally, I think she also believed if something was "banana-flavored", it had to be good for you. But that's a whole other post . . .

Our package also contained a bonus magnet with conversions to help with my cooking dilemmas. Thank you! Thank you! Last and not least is this cute decorative pumpkin that fits perfectly on our only decorated table.

Next, we were discussing the hours that the grocery story across the street is open. Jim was sure it closed every day at 8:00 and I was sure it stayed open until 9:00 on Fridays. So what else could I do but go out and take a picture of the sign?

And then show it to Jim.

Who of course said . . . "You're right".

Some people will do anything to hear that.

Next, I've mentioned before how popular "Mary" is here. Shrines abound to this woman and if I'd taken a picture of every shrine I've seen along the road or attached to a house or building, my camera (and perhaps my head) would explode. I am certain "Mary" is a requirement in the architectural handbook of Belgium.

I took this picture in the bathroom of one of our favorite restaurants in Hasselt.

Apparently they needed two air fresheners, but just one Mary would do.
Because there is only one Mary.

Last, I took this picture right across the street from our house. I've always wondered why the sign is in English, but in this case it seemed fitting for this "older" woman riding a Vespa in her red cowboy boots.

No! That is not me.


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